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Surge in WA emissions puts Australia’s net zero targets in doubt Surge in WA emissions puts Australia’s net zero targets in doubt

Exclusive: State’s 2024 total on track to reach about 20% above 2005 levels, modelling obtained by Guardian Australia shows

Surge in WA emissions puts Australia’s net zero targets in doubt

I don't imagine theres much room in the WA electorate to vote further to the 'left' than Labor. But still, a couple more Greens, or even Teals, could really help push the WA government faster down the path they're already slow walking down.

Also gas companies pay shit-all royalties for what they're getting, so why do them any favours!? I don't understand why they have such a large presence in policy decisions in this state.


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  • We've had so long to future-proof our state, to invest in an economy of intellectual-based exports, or even some novel manufacturing... but no, the best we can still muster is digging up rocks and gas. And letting other people profit from it.

    I can only hope we see some more disruptive protests at some point, because it's hard to see Labor doing anything about the climate crisis. You'd think that their overwhelming majority at the state level would've shifted the overton window left but this feels like a pretty conservative Labor government.