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Political Memes BonesOfTheMoon

Please think of the trans kids and the LGBT folks and all the women affected by abortion laws, and drag queens trying to make their art. Come on Americans, you can do it.


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  • IMHO foolish to focus on the most vulnerable rather than how most people are vulnerable in some way or another and putting foremost in policy messaging changes that would help large numbers of people.

    I sympathize with the plight of trans folks and other smaller disadvantaged minority groups but half of Americans are barely making ends meet, and America is falling further behind in manufacturing, infrastructure and technology/research, all while bathroom bills and grooming narratives are decade+ old very effective wedge issues.

    Help the most vulnerable certainly but put front and foremost how the vast majority would be helped if you want to motivate voters and win converts.

    • A rising tide lifts all boats.

      • That's what I'm saying, that's a winning message, rather than focusing on hauling ashore the few boats deemed most deserving by whatever metric and implying the others are less important and can wait.