You have to disconnect from wifi so it can create it's own hotspot, you connect your phone to that connection, then it hosts a little web server where you can open it up and download your shit.
I mean I guess it's better than xbox or playstations method which I honestly have no figured out yet. Not that I've really tried.
Switch and Xbox here: Xbox can do clips and screenshots, and upload to social media with one button.
It can also send all the clips and photos to an external storage device, which is what I do so it's easy to sync clips for making edits of them for videos and jokes.
Nintendo feels so bizarre in how they handle the screenshots. "Here's a dedicated screenshot button! Good luck sending this to anyone not on Facebook or Twitter!"
When there's third party apps and programs to make the job of Nintendo and it's fans easier, they fucked up.
I think there are much better social media platforms for sharing clips. From what I've seen, most of Twitter is people angrily typing opinions at each other, so your target demographic may not be there. The UI is designed for text rather than video, and responses/reactions don't integrate nicely with videos.
Sharing game clips on video-oriented social media makes a tonne sense, however.
Also Nintendo and Sony are Japanese companies and Twitter is (or was? I stopped using Twitter even before it was sold, so I am not quite up to date) insanely popular in Japan, that's most likely the reason why it's Twitter.