I am pretty new to the whole self-hosted thing and want to ensure I have the latest security fixes even for my tiny instance.
I installed my instance using Ansible and am trying to find the steps to update my lemmy-ui version but I am not having a ton of luck. Is there documentation or some steps I can take to update?
Yes, go to your Lemmy instance and run a docker-compose pull. This should pull the latest updates for you. Before pulling the latest instance, I would recommend running docker-compose down first. This worked for me but I set my instance up without using Ansible. That much said, I believe it should work for you as well. You might need to edit the docker-compose.yml file and specify the version as latest.
Yes there is. To do so look for the line with image: statement and do something like image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:latest Try this. You may not even have to do that. First try the plain old docker-compose pull. Since now enough time has elapsed, I am guessing that it should pull the latest image without having to edit the docker-compose.yml file.
The only unasked question is the silly one. If you scroll down to the bottom of your Lemmy instance in the web browser, you should see the current one you're on. It should like something like this:
Edit: I did have to update the yml to use latest. I'm not sure if it's something with Ansible but when I followed the update steps to update using Ansible it seems to hardcode the version in, not sure where it's pulling that from.
Just wanted to say, I love people with attitudes like yours. Figure out something challenging and then immediately put your knowledge to use by helping others through the challenges you just faced.