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Kummakivi is a 500.000 kg rock in Finland that has been balancing on another rock for 11.000 years


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  • My cat would go there and push it over...

    • There's not a feline or a man alive who could move that without tools.

      • If cats could read and open doors, they would collectively go to Finland to push it over with a huge mass of pure cat power.

        • With some levers, definitely doable. With just paws? Eh.

          Also, cats can definitely open doors. Not all cats, but I know a few.

          • I'm talking doors to the outside so they can escape to Finland to knock the rock over.

            • I get that's what you meant, but technically the way it was worded...

              And the cats I know are cats who frequently roam outdoors and are Finnish. Perhaps they've just not seen this post, as outside cats rarely doomscroll.

              • Indeed they don't doomscroll much. See my first point, re the fact that cats can't read.

                • Being literate isn't a requirement for scrolling though, although I do hesitate on how much "doom" applies to things like this.

                  But that's clearly an indoors house-cat, so my hypothesis that outside cats doomscroll less is still valid.

      • You understimate the sheer amount of "i-want-to-push-over-things-energy" of a cat.