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I need 'em, like real bad


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  • I see people here saying they got plenty of samples, but I've had max rares and no commons forever. What am I doing wrong

    • It can depend where you're at in terms of the upgrade progression. Tier 1 and 2 needed a disproportionate number of commons, somewhere in Tier 3 it started being rares or supers I was always lacking. For Tier 4, rares have been the limiting factor by far for me.

      • Been stuck at tier3/4 for ages just cause of commons though! Hah!

        • Huh, that's a mystery. Maybe it's because I started at the common sample cap when the tier 4 upgrades unlocked. Or maybe you've got teammates (maybe randoms?) who are being lazy about common samples because they don't need common samples. I normally extract with significantly more commons than rares, is that not the case for you?

          • Generally its only 10 to 15 more commons than rares. Recently especially I've found a lot of groups of like 4 or 5 rares, and only 1 common with it. Was doing a lot better yesterday generally getting close to 30 commons, with close to 20 rares, which, still aint a good enough ratio to let me get an abundance of commons.