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What web services do you subscribe to?

Really just curious what folks out there deem valuable enough to give money for monthly or annually. As a software engineer I have quite a few that keep me productive and I'll list a few:

  • ChatGPT
  • Perplexity
  • Obsidian Sync
  • YouTube Premium

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    • YouTube Premium
    • Apple One Family (Music, TV+, iCloud, Arcade)
    • HBO Max (best value for high quality content but Apple is very close these days)
    • Prime (barely use it but it's $12/yr here)
    • Game Pass Ultimate
    • Usenet Farm, couple of odd blocks and indexers
    • Carrot Weather

    Considering paying for RSS provider but they all seem overpriced for what they do above Feedly free tier.

    • What does a hosted RSS provider give you over a normal client? I use Nextcloud News (self hosted) but I don't really know the benefit over just using an RSS app on my phone (besides syncing my list I guess).

      • Sync across devices at free tier which is the main thing. You pay by having access to things like real-time updates, filters, summaries etc. I don't keep a vps these days and I have a preferred client that's limited to commercial solutions.