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Old film you should watch: Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead (dir Gary Fleter, 1995) - SCENE Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead | 'Buckwheats' (HD) - Andy Garcia | MIRAMAX

After being declared ""buckwheats"" by The Man with the Plan, Jimmy tells his team to go underground.In this scene: Pieces (Christopher Lloyd), Easy Wind (Bi...

Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead | 'Buckwheats' (HD) - Andy Garcia | MIRAMAX

Almost ignored when it came out, this underrated, strangely poignant but light hearted crime film has a great cast (Andy Garcia, Christopher Walken, Treat Williams, Steve Buscemi, Christopher Lloyd, Fairuza Balk..) and some unforgettable lines.

Posting a short excerpt from the film because the trailer is ass and probably contributed to its bad reputation.


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  • Old? It's not an old film.

    • @FfaerieOxide it's not that old to me either! But it came out 29 years ago.

      In 1995 (when this came out) I would have considered any film from 1966 "old", so by that standard, I've been treating anything from last century as old for the purposes of these #ofysw film recs...

      • '66 films still aren't Old either.

        You gotta look to ones where people don't talk for "Old".

        '66 films were vintage
        '40s films were classic

        Come 'round the '80s you've got "prior art"

        '90-2015~ you've get contemporary

        Anything after 2019 released in theatres is "You wanted us to ignore Covid for this?"

        I've been treating anything from last century as old

        You will not stand there and tell the class The Matrix is an old film. :|

        • I think the class would demand their money back if I tried to tell them The Matrix was contemporary. A lot has changed in the industry since 1999.

          I like your classifications though.