I love how the post I saw immediately before this was about Biden's new Trump insult, 'Broke Don'. So insult your rivals by calling them poor, definitely a good way to relate to struggling voters.
Yeah well Biden doesn't really need to appeal to liberals and progressives when it comes to Trump. However making his idiotic base doubt him by calling me poor little bitch will definitely weaken Trump's position.
For 8 years now his base has been firmly convinced that the mainstream establishment is an enemy of Trump and 'the people'. From what I've seen any words against Trump coming from establishment liberals is more likely to entrench Trumps support than weaken it.
It's pointing out that he is weak. Literally one of the main reasons people liked him was that he "couldn't be bought" and he was going to "self fund his campaign"
Remember, before this they were just saying how scary Trump was. I think mocking him is far more effective