Jesus, 10Gbps!? I'm paying $90 for "gigaspeed" AT&T fiber. But, I'm luckier than most, I have AT&T fiber and Metronet as fiber providers, as well as Spectrum and T-Mobile (but yuck to using 5G as my primary source of internet).
I know, it kinda sounds crazy, but at the same time it makes sense because after infrastructure the cost for the ISP is minimal. I mean upgrading to 25 Gbps is possible for just 70 bucks, so what can I say. Although my country is comparably small and I do live in the city. So it's not universally like that.
North America is insane with their internet costs.
Here in VN, I can get unlimited 4G for 40$ a year, and 100mbps symmetrical fiber for about 50$ a year. The biggest provider is the Army. Their customer service is actually pretty fast and good too!