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Didn't realize level gen could make empty space like this

No wonder I couldn't find the door while on my way down


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  • I have a very good start on my Huntress 3 challenge.

    • Why the overweight armor? Good luck

      • I do mainly ranged combat. I have a decent melee weapon if an enemy gets too close, so I worry less about the armour. Too, I'm about to get a STR potion and will then be okay with the armour. I'm dumping UPGRADES into my ring of Sharpshooting as that raises the LEVEL of the bow. It is tactics. I'll worry about armour once I have plate. It is a very good run, especially for a challenge run.

        • I mean I'm all aboard the RoSS train, it's just that since overweight armor slows down movement, and I play with FiMA, it is 100% not worth it especially unenchanted