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The universe runs on capitalism

Matters are not evenly distributed.

Edit: lol this is as controversial as I expected


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  • It is not equally distributed in communism either. The ruling class always gets awarded more.

    • Maybe in a Marxist-Leninist state, but not in communism defined as a stateless classless society. There is no ruling class in such a society.

      • And what happens as soon as you have a stateless and classless society?

        • For those communities that do already have a stateless, classeless society, you mean? This happens.

          The TL:DR is that you function on the agreed-upon principles of horizontality and mutual aid, but I know that doesn't sound like a satisifying answer, and there are so many ways that might look.

      • In China during the one-child policy, some people had multiple more than just one kid. You couldn't buy that with money iirc. Tbh I don't know much about China's form of communism though

        • China followed Maoism, which was also an authoritarian state. In such theories, they are "communist" in that they ostensibly seek to progress to a communist society. Tbh I doubt the sincerity of such a pursuit.

          There are communities that could be genuinely considered communist in its true form, but people typically don't cite them as examples of communism working since they're not nation-states ... which is the whole point lol

        • Not certain, but I'm fairly sure you could pay for more children.

          • Right, there were permits for it, but with what money, back before it went capitalist? Anyway, it was one of the perks of the ruling class.