For me it was Nier: Automata after the Pascal's rage. I just dropped my controller and cried for an hour. Their hatred, their loss... I couldn't even find a space to place it. To place myself. Anywhere. Anyhow. I felt defective.
It's OK. Yoko Taro is an outlier and a niche in himself. I, for example, can't even enjoy Souls games besides Bloodborne, and I feel a little sad about it. But what games are to your taste?
If you still have some heartbeat in you, remaster of the OG Nier is a thing to try. It would hurt you, even more than Automata, but in the end, with an added ending, you'd feel a relief like nothing else. That I can promise.
See if you'd be open to such a journey. Feel free to ping me back to discudss it if you would.