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Voyager cache

Is there a way to clear the cache in voyager on ios? The app is growing way to big its now 2.1gb


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  • You don’t need to worry about it on iOS. If storage (or memory) gets low then caches will automatically be cleared.

    Most operating systems work like this. There’s no point in having gigabytes of free space when it could be put to work speeding up your app.

    They don’t expose the controls to the cache either. Android does but it’s in a minority.

    • Maybe but i just installed voyager fresh and its 53mb. It was 2.6gb and if it only works when storage is low then it would get to like 65gb (thats what i have free) and with 2.6gb it was getting reeeaaaallllyyy slow. Now its fast again. So the theory sounds nice, in practice its not very much. Plus a big cache is nice when i need te revisit the same thing multiple times and it saves on time but since i dont really revisit things a lot its just a wast of space (my explanation is somewhat shit but hey, new years and booze)

      • It wouldn’t get to the full amount of storage. Full storage or cache wouldn’t make it slow as it only gets what it needs from the cache.

        What exactly will having lots of empty space do for you right now ?

    • I ran into a caching issue a month or so ago where the app started behaving strangely, so it can definitely be a problem.

      Uninstalling and reinstalling restarting the app didn’t help until I uninstalled, rebooted the device, and reinstalled. It seems there’s a garbage collection issue, which may be the device’s fault more than Voyager’s. Either way, there may be an issue.

      e: rechecked my issue, and I misspoke here. Fixed.

      • Why do you think it’s a cache issue?

        • It was in the post title?

          I don’t necessarily think it is, but I ran into what was probably a cache issue. Or maybe I misunderstood your question.

          e: oh, you mean my issue? It was 2 months ago, and my inbox was persistently showing someone else’s profile until I deleted the app, rebooted my phone, and reinstalled Voyager. It persisted across multiple times restarting the app, so appeared to be a caching problem.

          • If you are on iOS and you uninstall then the cache is deleted. So it wasn’t a cache issue.

            I remember that post you were told what was happening.

            • I don’t think I deleted the app until I did the delete-restart-reinstall thing. I probably should have, because that would have narrowed it down, and I may have misspoken. It persisted through app restarts, but not the deletion/reboot.

              I rechecked my post and don’t see that anyone told me what was happening, just suggestions on what to do about it.