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America has lost its f*****g mind.

Hey, German here. What the f*** are Americans doing at the other side of the Atlantic? Some of you already know this monstrosity. I did'nt. This is a Ford F650 Truck and when I stepped out of my Youtube Bubble I realized, it was marketed as the "biggest, baddest Truck on the road" for the everyday American. Are you guys serious?! Is the end goal really to drive a Monster Truck to McDs to get a McFlurry? Americas bloodiest wars have been fought in the middle east to secure oil, bombing nations to rubble. And all, for this bullshit? The excess, waste and decadence is mind boggling to me and people on Reddit seriously justifying this by "you know dude I'm 6,4ft. I don't fit in any other vehicle" makes me go up the wall.


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  • Can confirm, the United States has lost it's mind. And yes, you have it down. The US goes abroad to secure resources for capitalist industry and has been promoting upsell and excess for some time now. Verhoeven's satirical advertising blurbs in Robocop (1987) were right on the mark.

    Making us stupid and wanting to spend our money on $200 K-Pop bobble heads is exactly the world our corporations strive for, and the means to regulate them by a public-serving government was gutted in the 1980s by the Reagan administration. George W. Bush and Donald Trump (and the minimal pushback during the Clinton and Obama eras) are the natural result.

    And in the next two decades you might get to see how the US does civil war and fascism. Every election lost by a Republican is challenged for legitimacy in an effort to neuter elections and create an autocratic one-party regime. Hopefully, this kind of shenanigan should sound dangerously familiar.

    You got it right in one. We are out of our fucking minds, no small part to some willful efforts to turn the people of the US into mindless obedient consumers, but an epidemic of intergenerational mental illness has also contributed to Florida-Man-like conduct and truckers re-configuring their cars to belch soot as rolling coal.