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Daily Discussion Thread: Wed 06 Dec 2023

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  • Is it time? Is it time I decolour my hair and let it grow out white? It's long and wavy and healthy and not too thin. Young Miss Seagoon says yes. I will ask Mr Seagoon.

    • Yeah go for it. Whit is cool. Might need some help decolouring if it's dark but a good chop and some streaks so it's not too much when it's growing out. Mines greyifying and I am quite enjoying it (after a lifetime of colouring this is the first natural colour I've liked)

    • I’ve seen some very nice salon work where they blend the greys/whites etc.

      Colouring hair is such maintenance, even just box dyes on any hair. Or stopping blondes going brassy. I cleaned off a lot of blue/purple hair products off the shower wall yesterday. Annoying!

      • Ah yes,, the Smurf murder shower

        • when I dyed my hair blue years ago my whole apartment ended up blue, as did my eyebrows, my fingernails and I found out I had a fine blonde moustache because it went blue too

          • Bwahahaha! I had to give up the conditioner only hair method because I would sweat blue dribbles all over my face