Which version of Ubuntu you’re installing (including which flavour),
Whether you have network connectivity,
Hardware stats, including CPU, RAM, GPU, etc,
Your device vendor (e.g., Dell, Lenovo, etc),
Your country (based on the time zone you pick, not IP),
How long your install took to complete,
Whether you have auto login enabled,
Your disk layout (how many hard drives and partitions you have),
Whether you chose to install third party codecs,
Whether you chose to download updates during install
(According to OMG!Ubuntu)
Most distros offer optional telemetry, but Ubuntu’s is opt out not opt in (for GNOME you have to separately install the telemetry)
I haven't installed ubuntu in a while, but in EU you need to have prior consent from the user to gather any kind of data and if I remember correctly I haven't seen such thing. And it's not enough to bury that into documentation and say 'if you use our software you allow us to blah blah', you must get consent via an action from the user which spesifically allows that, so if telemetry comes silently with 'apt dist-upgrade' it's not enough.
In Ubuntu in the post install screen theres is the telemetry screen where they explain it, allow you opt out and give you a json example of the data they're collecting from your machine.