It has been a long time since I used IRC, but or it has changed a lot or it's not similar.
Could you send inline images?
Could you assign granular permission and roles ?
Can have several rooms with access and visibility control of each of them?
Can you make audio rooms?
Can you react to mensages?
I've never had the need for any of those things. A text-only chat is a cleaner and better chat. Specially reactions, those are rather absurd and irritating.
Audio is definitely a different use case, and Mumble works great for that. You can just host both on the same domain and be done with it. You could even write a client that supports both IRC and Mumble if you wanted to, instead of constantly reinventing the wheel.
And I'm sure you could implement in-line images in IRC if you wanted, after all Twitch's chat is IRC and they have images.
Show me an IRC where I can share images and then jump into a jitsi voice call or whatever, I'd use it every day. I'm in discord, matrix, all of this shit. I mostly wanna send memes to a few friends 😮💨
Edit: reactions are pretty sweet in my eyes btw. I use a lot of emojis.
Back in the 90s, I used to be in Undernet channels with bots that facilitated file sharing and in-line images for compatible clients, and pgp:// handlers were used to instantly spin up e2e encrypted voice.
I don’t see things as having really improved since then, other than fewer netsplits.
With centralization and prebuilt integration’s disadvantages comes extreme convenience. And I like sending images of random things I see and would like to share.
Right. Discord, Revolt, Guilded etc. are heavily inspired by IRC but they modernized it by adding more features. Right now they are so much more than IRC.