Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission
Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission

For my "convenience" and because in this way they can show ads and clickbait
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What language is this?
And what am I missing?
8 0 Replyitalian, it says "we added back the search bar on the taskbar, keep or cancel?" If you click anywhere else except the grey "annulla" button, for example you click on the desktop, it assumes "yes i love the search bar, keep it", and is set back to the state microsoft wanted to be.
From an update downloaded last night
14 0 ReplyThank you.
1 0 ReplyThank you.
1 0 Reply
Google says it's Italian.
6 0 ReplyIs it? 🤌🤌
2 0 ReplyThanks. I tried Spanish and Portuguese and it made no sense.
Italian still makes no sense. I don’t understand the OP.
1 0 ReplyThe ? search has been added to the application bar. Do you want to keep this change?
Keep | Cancel
I think the thing that I marked with ? just says box (so search box), but I am not 100% sure.
Hopefully this helps and I haven't fucked up the transation, I has been a long time since I last spoke Italian.
3 0 ReplyThank you so much for your post.
2 0 ReplyNo worries!
I actually just got the same nonsense on my work laptop so I can now actually give the "official" English translation:
Search box has been added to your taskbar. Want to keep the change?
Keep it | Undo
Close enough
1 0 Reply
Good translation. It is indeed "the search box", or rather "the box of search"
2 0 ReplyThank you for confirming that I didn't mess it up too badly :)
1 0 Reply"the box of search"
I don't know why, but this made me laugh.
1 0 Reply