Is anyone here using a GUI for git? If yes - which one and why?
I ask because I like console, but at the same time have difficulties remembering all the commands. I'd like to try a GUI that is comfortable to use with only a keyboard.
My inbox got fediversized, fantastic feeling.
I use a 50%-50% mix between git CLI and the built-in git tools in JetBrains IDEs.
To be honest, I could quite easily get by with just the JetBrains GUI - they have a super sophisticated GUI that can easily handle things like interactive rebase, cherry-picking, etc + they have a great conflict resolution tool. I just use the cli every now and then if I want to get something done quickly while I don't have an IDE window open.
This one. It's sophisticated and easy to navigate.
I generally do conflict resolution in Jetbrains IDEs and everything else in CLI. Occasionally, I might commit from the IDE if I only want a single file.
I mostly use the CLI but when I used to use PyCharm the JetBrain git GUI was the shit.
The closest to it in a standalone program I've seen is maybe sublime merge, which is also great.