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Daily Discussion Thread: Sat 16 Sep 2023

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  • OMG John Wick 4 is terrible I’m not even going to finish this torturous movie lol.

    • This news does not bring me happiness. I've just finished the second one again, and I remember really liking the third, but don't know whether it'll hold up as well as the first film has.

      I can't understand why he made that choice at the end of the second film. It makes zero sense.

      The premise was great. The world building was great. The currency makes zero sense. The violence is so silly that it's fun.

      I am building toward watching the fourth for the first time.

      • I like you and value your opinion, however, ….

        • Oh, you haven't dissuaded me from watching it. I'll get there. John Wick is something I need to watch while running on the treadmill, to discharge testosterone or something. I can't watch that sort of movie from bed.

          I've been on the treadmill this week. I finally saw the two Kingsman movies. They're hysterical. Laughably violent but not serious like John Wick. More like what a 70's Bond movie might be like if it were made today.

    • Yeah I made it through like 45 minutes and gave up.