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Daily Discussion Thread: Sat 16 Sep 2023

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  • Annnnd serious q…

    I am the worst offender of needing to purchase a bag every time I do groceries or shop is whatever and now I have so many?

    What does everyone do with said bags in this situation?

    • I fold them. I segregate them into piles. Coles/Woolies/Aldi/miscellaneous/ and I put them back into my car. I keep 2 calico bags in my handbag.

      My folding technique is this: fold the bottom of the bag to the top, then fold into thirds so the handle is sticking out. Then I place them into a calico bag. Then they all get put into a Best and Less material bag vertically with the handles sticking up.

      like this.

      My husband likes to fold them into tiny little origami parcels which fucking irritates me.

    • I was the same until I got those nylon reusable bags that fold up to a really small size. I've got several in my backpack. The only problem is those chiller bags.. when I decide to spontaneously buy refrigerated or frozen goods I'll often buy one of those if it's hot, as my stuff won't survive the bus ride home. I've got many chiller bags at home that I'm using as storage for other things 😔

    • First, prevent accumulation of more bags. Is there something that would remind you to take them? Eg if you use a car to go to the shops, put them in the car. Or if you normally carry a bag or backpack, put some in there. After that, if you have more than you can use, and they are in good condition, you could give them to a food pantry. Or, if not, reuse as rubbish bags. Unfortunately there is no soft plastics recycling anymore.

    • This is our "Bag of bags":

      There are also a couple of bags in the back of the car for when we pop into the shops for a couple of essentials.

      I developed this system ages ago when I did most of the shopping at the Preston Markets (you have to have your own bags and trolley there).

      • This literally my situation.

        I think part of the problem is that I usually walk to the shops and it’s usually after some other thing I’m doing.

        Ugh… This requires more thought.