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Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 24 Aug 2023

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  • Goddamn it I hate it when podcasts fade an interviewee in and out and you only hear about half a sentence before the host starts talking again. My brain is working overtime trying to follow what's being said with such an unnatural alternation of voices

    • Sounds like really bad editing or technique.

      They’d be better off just leaving it alone and it would be perfect.

      Fade in and fade out interviewees actually sounds really silly and amateurish.

      • Hm well I shouldn't say interviewees but one of the subjects of the podcast. So the host will be narrating something and the pre recorded interview is playing at a very low volume in the background and will pop through when a relevant point is made (for dramatic effect) - and then that person continues talking so you're primed to expect something more, but they are quickly faded before the host comes back to talk over them and continue the narration. I just find it so distracting.

        But it's actually seemingly common on big, professionally made podcasts like This American Life and this CBC podcast I'm listening to

        • Sounds odd to talk over narration I have to admit.

          I think I’d be just as bothered as you as I don’t like it layered like that along with how you described it.

          I listen to a few from radio stations and I’ve seen the live recording on YouTube and when they play a bite the person handling the board will signal and countdown to let people in the room when the audio bite ends for coordination.