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What is a hobby you enjoy, but seems too quirky or obscure to bring up in most conversations?

Mine would be creating pen and paper ciphers for my made up secret communication needs.


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  • I've been playing Second Life for almost half of my life. I used to run a blog about it and often spend a few hours every day online chatting with people. Mentioning that I know anything about it inevitably triggers people to either ask "wait that still exists?" or "isn't that a sex game?"

    • I have to admit, I am surprised that still exists, and also a little surprised it's not considered at least a little bit of a sex game (I mean, every MMO has ERPers, but in my head, I pictured Second Life as a bit more common for that kinda thing).

      • Sex is a thing you can do and it's part of the world, but it's as focused on as you make it. You can go your entire SL without having sex or engaging with sexual content if you choose. I know people who are family roleplayers and live their SLs as kids, and people who are just into art, or just into fishing and sailing. Sex is part of my SL but not the entire thing, just like RL.

    • Honestly that just makes me think of the Daniel from SL videos on it. It seems like a neat game but it's definitely a little strange how every other person Daniel spoke to had a 9 foot tall biker bro with a 16-pack as their character.

      • I've never heard of Daniel but looking him up, he seems like the sort I'd avoid. A lot of people use SL as wish fulfilment, making their avatars the way their idealized self would look. You can get really creative with an avatar but it's less common than big burly biker dudes and girls with giant boobs. I mean, I play a femboy half the time, so that probably says something about me.