@suuuoppp: To stop the speculation and DM's I am receiving. I chose to quit my role at LTT because it, and the working environment I was facing, were ruining my mental health. The number of daily items...…
I have never felt the need to use YouTube for anything aside from classic comedy clips, music and trailers. So YouTube personalities like these pass me by. I'm one of those types who instantly closes a video if I hear commentary or talking over it. I don't want to hear that shite.
However, I have watched one LTT video before when doing some electronic engineering classes, and we were shown one to explain some thing I can't remember. I do remember saying the guy seemed like a prick, to the chagrin of others in my class
I'm like you, grown up without YT and I rarely watch it, for some video clip, or when I need to check how to disassemble my laptop or washing machine. I never watched a "YouTuber" or never ever went to twitch