Name an artist/group that you are surprised isn't more popular.
I'll start with Saul Williams. I found out about him because he opened for NiN. He was great. I thought he was going to break through when I heard him in a Nike commerical, but nope his social conscious rap didn't catch on.
What people or groups do you think should be more popular? Also name/link some songs.
No man is an island, but I often feel alone, so I find peace through.....ooohhmmmm....
I don't know man. When I was younger you couldn't get me to listen to anything other than mainstream rock. But I came off a.stint of playing games like The Flame and The Flood, Hunt: Showdown, and of course Red Dead Redemption 2. And it just.....clocked for me. Now my Spotify can't tell if I love Grunge, Punk, or Folk.
I haven't been playing the current AAA type games, so maybe that's why. I have friends that love RDR2 but I enjoy more of the indie games. I'm still waiting for Silk Song to come out.