Mobile payment with Bluecode: contactless, secure and can be used worldwide. Pay by NFC, QR code or barcode - always in accordance with European standards.
This is an Austrian company that offers mobile payments with barcode/qr-code in shops in Austria and Germany, as well as in a few places in Italy and Luxembourg.
I use it since one year. It works fine, but it could definitely use more attention, so that more shops start to accept it. What are your thoughts on that?
This sounds interesting, thanks for sharing. Have now read through the page and FAQ. Is my understand correctly, that this app is only for paying in offline world, not for online purchases like e.g. PayPal?
Are there any Places accepting this besides the Austrian Stores of the REWE Group? I've only seen this at BILLA (Plus), PENNY and BIPA, and heavily pushed by them through the jö-App
The high number of Acceptance Places on the Websites seems to come from their Roaming Agreement with AliPay which is sadly even more common in Europe than Bluecode