It's probably a bit easier to live in a boat, since it's common (and I guess legal) for marinas to allow people to live in their boats while docked there. I own a skoolie (used school bus converted into a motorhome) and it is nearly fucking impossible to find anywhere that I could legally live in it - especially anywhere near big cities. Ironically, I've even tried contacting marinas to see if I could live there in my skoolie and they're all like "hell no you fucking hippie". I wonder if I could buy a barge, park the bus on it, and then live in a marina.
That would be hilarious. But are you over the size limit for national parks? Because that was always my RV life plan. Just getting national park and BLM spots.
I wonder if I could buy a barge, park the bus on it, and then live in a marina.
You'd be the person who ends up ruining it for everyone when the marina sues you, wins, thus setting the precedent that, "hold on, you can't just live on your boat in a marina for that cheap!" Either becomes illegal or they start charging 3x if you plan to make it your domicile.