WW3 is coming. It is the solution to climate change that does not alter the oligarchy; it is a population problem from their point of view. No need to fix pollution or the environment if there are less than 1 billion humans on Earth. That buys at least another century of business as usual. This is the obvious solution for anyone without ethics to arrive at. If you do not have hundreds of millions of dollars now, you will be eliminated one way or another in the coming conflict. Wars have always been the primary form of population control in feudal societies. Thus the emergence of neo feudalism. You must have no access, communication, ownership, or rights so that you can be forced into the death grinder.
I don’t see how you can possibly be certain about this. The push to fight abortion rights and the constant bitching about how people aren’t having enough babies to maintain the workforce undermines this theory.
Unless you’re completely convinced that this is the future and the reason for it, I’d strongly suggest against stating it so certainly on the internet. Asking a question about it or stating it as a possibility given certain factors makes sense, but the way you said this can’t be good for your mental health, or the mental health of the people who read it.
So are you saying that having a large workforce isn’t key to keeping the rich rich? Because if you ask me losing 7 billion people would be a fairly large cutback in the workforce
See my comment to over_clox below. I'm pretty sure on many levels of abstraction. It is unlikely to convince you. I'm cool with that. I don't want it to happen. I'm simply noting the pieces aligning. I am broadly curious in many areas and subjects. I am also more broadly aware and generally skeptical than most people. None of that is a source of depression or in any way shape or form a justification for your accusatory statement implying the state of my mental health. I find that accusation tangential, offensive, and a personal attack in reply to a general statement where there was no individual in question. Turning a broad abstraction into a personal attack on an individual is reprehensible and rather pathetic behavior.
I apologize because I did not mean to make any sort of personal attack. If it came across that way that is entirely my fault.
If I can clarify in hopefully neutral terms, what I meant to say is that believing with certainty that 7 billion people are facing violent death within a generation or two cannot be good for anyone’s mental state and that sort of doom weighing on a mind will likely cause it many problems. It was not intended to be an attack on you, mainly an observation on the idea from my very limited point of view.
I wrote some long explanation but accidentally clicked on a link and lost it. Oh well. You are still doing the thing. It might be beneficial for you to learn about the range and types of functional thought that exist in various personalities.
Someone that is very abstracted in functional thought can be one of the outliers that is difficult for some to understand. I'm driven by curiosity, but comfortable relying on intuition heavily. I think in something like a statistical space without absolutes of right and wrong, just probabilities and contexts. I'm motivated by curiosity and exploration in many contexts. My emotions are disconnected from this space of curious exploration.
When I put the pieces together to state WW3 is very likely, I'm in a mindset like watching Magnus Carlson play a game of chess and making educated predictions about how he will play the next 3 moves. I am not playing the game and I have no emotional investment like the opposing player. You could ask me how I feel, but that is not part of my default thought process.