Maybe that calling someone a murderous cultist is not the same as saying their family should rather starve?
this shouldn't be ones reaction anyway regardless if you are in a "murderous cultist" or not. And maybe this post was just a hyperbole and caricature of hyper militant vegans?
That would have been the first statement: "Vegan here, bottom left is a very small but sometimes very loud minority."
That second statement (about the religious killings) was specifically for why finding compromise is not possible for regular vegans. Even if it was a hyperbole, it would be meaningless if not sincere.
Putting shit together and reading stuff as a whole is not your strength, is it buddy? If I said „2+2=5 is wrong“ you'd be pissed off about „2+2=5“ and just ignore the „is wrong“ part.
And maybe this post was just a hyperbole and caricature of hyper militant vegans?
And my comment critizises this post for displaying hyper militant vegans as the norm. But everyone apparently just wants to get all railed up and shit.
But everyone apparently just wants to get all railed up and shit.
Its much more fun to be railed up and sweaty.
And yeah I totally agree with your initial comment and your scolding of OP; even though I am more like a flexitarian than a vegetarian, allthough I really try to shift my died toward it.
Also your comment score immediatly got two negatives... I guess the peeps are super railed up against you, which is sad.