You'll be hard pressed to find causation unless you find a gaggle of grandmas confessing.
There's a lot of herbology lore and stories. Maybe it's all made up. But even today we find people poisoning their spouses and everyone's reaction is always "why not just leave?". So extrapolate that out and it seems reasonable.
I mean even just from a totally innocent position, I'm exhausted right now and in the past month I've almost died falling down the stairs 5 times from the sleep deprivation (the ER is getting sick of my clumsiness)
I know I'll sleep better once my cohabitation separation is finalised.
This morning I brushed my teeth with my partner's athletes foot ointment. Didn't even realise it tasted like ass and felt like wax until I was trying to spit it out and wondering why it was clinging to my teeth. I'm just not human anymore, I am physically and mentally burnt out carrying the entire cognitive and household labour load of the relationship for the last 10 years.
Yeah, you weren't going to be the same person regardless. But also, things like that change you, a lot of things will change you. Life is about accepting where you are and making the best choices you can moving forward