Wilhelm scream. It's in everything. It's memorable in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, but it's in Soul Plane too.
I've watched far too many hours of sitcoms, because I'm recognizing a specific laugh that gets re-used over and over. It's by far the worst on How I Met Your Mother (where I first noticed it). They'll repeat the same laugh 2-3 times within the same episode. It's a specific high-pitched laugh that almost sounds like the person is inhaling while laughing rather than exhaling. HIMYM doesn't use a live audience so they re-use the same laughs for the entire run of the show.
The ONLY show I can watch with a laugh track is "How I Met Your Mother," and I think it's because instead of using an actual track, they microphoned an audience who watched the show on a screen and recorded their real laughter.
That ‘70s Show too, it fits perfectly in that show for me. I hate it elsewhere, even if it’s a live studio audience… it ruins the pacing of a show for me.