The Deliverator Slim: The fastest and slimmest Deliverator on the market
75 tons was ridiculous and honestly we never should have released such a bulky monstrosity in the first place. The new Deliverator Slim is now a mere 73 tons!
Turns out the amount of water produced from melting ice is 20, and the amount of water needed for fuel and oxidizer is 10 each. So instead of cycling between fuel and oxidizer with a water override, we can just cycle to run one of each recipe. No storage tanks necessary!
R&D was also informed about a width issue with previous designs. With the removal of the water storage tank we were able to dramatically improve aerodynamics. For very brief periods of time while flying towards a planet, this sucker can hit 50km/s!
Is the accumulator truly necessary? Also, maybe it’s worth manufacturing the fuel on the ground and shipping it up, so the chunk collector isn’t needed. Might also free up some of the logic components.
You don't need seats, an c02 scrubber, or any of that fancy stuff.
Without the accumulator then sometimes the dips in power can slow the system just enough to cause fuckery with fuel production. That said it would probably be better to just have two solar panels than a solar and an accumulator because as I found out just recently, one solar panel is not enough to go to/from Fulgora reliably. Also the front-facing solar panel sometimes gets hit so uh, repair packs and maybe a spare couple solar panels in storage is advised
Nevermind, you can't barrel space fuel, which is disappointing.
What about the fuel thing?
Obviously it's a little cheesy, since you can't make both fuel types without some degree of space access.
But in theory you can make the majority of the products for it on the ground, shove it in barrels, then send it up. And then the chemical plant gets replaced by an assembly machine swapping between the fuel types.
You could put more efficiency modules, which would help with energy problems. Couple that with no need for the chunk collector and reduced need for logic components, and you'd probably be fine with 1 solar panel.
The crusher kicking on is most of the power grid issues. I suppose replacing the collector and crusher with more storage and launching ice/iron/carbon up could work depending on how much is needed per trip