I haven't read his manifesto or anything but he seemed pretty much against fossil fuels and insurance companies, what are we basing his political association on?
It's complicated. His politics doesn't seem to fit neatly in any box. If you wanted to pick out facts to paint him as too right wing for the right wing, you can do it. If you wanted to pick out other facts to paint him as the new coming of Weather Underground, you could do that, too. He's also at a time in his life where your politics can shift around a lot, so posts from just a few years ago may not reflect where he is now.
I can say one thing with certainty: he hates people who are worth hating.
He was a right winger 2 years ago, he retreated from social media etc for a long while, so it might not even reflect his current views.
And if it does? Well, then he'd be a right winger and would have done more for class struggle than I ever did, and most likely ever will. Still very much worthy of respect, even as I'd disagree with most of his views.
Even if he is, the right wing noise machine is trying to get out ahead of this. They don't want their base which is very prone to violence getting any ideas about who is really actively harming them (and it isn't POC, it isn't trans, it's not the left, it's not women...).