The People Cheering the UnitedHealthcare CEO Shooting
The People Cheering the UnitedHealthcare CEO Shooting
A cold-blooded murder has become, to many, an opportunity to vent.

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I’m not going to say how I feel about this, but I will say that United Health Care told me 2 separate times that they would reimburse me $2,000 for the vaccines before I traveled.
Then I got the vaccines and when I submitted the paperwork, they refused to reimburse me and the manger was like, “Oh, we made a mistake, we will not reimburse you for that.”
Should've said no take backs. Thats on you /s
I feel like the "/s" thing always ruins the joke. For me, it's the ambiguity that makes it funny, if sarcasm is stated explicitly it just doesn't work that well.
I see it a lot nowadays, so my comment is not targeted at you, do not take it personally. Just a thought I had.
No. If you omit it, you reinforce the belief of fascists
Is this an actual reason for why people do that, an ad hoc explanation, or a view that just a few people hold?
People are lazy. But, yes, many people who do write "/s" do it so that fascists know we're making fun of them, not reinforcing their beliefs.
It's the same reason Mein Kampf requires footnotes in Germany, by law
Ok fine, I can accept this can be used SOMETIMES when you need to make something completely unambiguous, but more often than not you want the opposite - amd most things don't have anything to do with nazism, and sarcasm can be picked up easily usually as well.
Starship Troopers. American Psycho. Taxi Driver. Joker. South Park.
All of these are celebrated by the right because they failed to understand that I was actually a criticism of them.
I understand that idiots can misunderstand something if it is ambiguous, but that does not mean that ambiguity should be forbidden. If at the end of "American Psycho" there was a title saying "this film is a criticism of capitalist culture and its effect on people", it would be worse as a film, a work of art and a statement than it is now. It would be ridiculous and disrespectful towards the audience.
It's literally in the name, "american psycho", it is almost stated explicitly, but they STILL do not get it. What is it that you want exactly? Our media and discourse to be made with only unintelligent people in mind?
This genuinely made me laugh.
Also - $2000 for vaccines?!
Anti rabies was $1080 for 3 shots. There were a few others I needed since I was moving to a different country.
wtf. I’m glad I won the lottery with where I was born. But saying that, it has to be a constant struggle to prevent that dystopia anywhere. Not luck. Were the shots required for visas? Did you look into the price difference getting them at your destination? - more out of curiosity . $200nzd is the highest price I could find for full dose here in NZ - and thats private (not publicly funded). Approx 100usd. Some of your others would be free. I’m guessing you’re not coming to NZ though so not questioning your choice to vax for whats required at destination - sensible. Just the absolute scam world you poor Americans have to live with. We are all headed there if we aren't careful, and keep our wits.