What if they live in the middle of no where? And their job commute is 1 hour out? Biking would take double the time and they'd have to leave very early to make it on time.
Not every town has public transit either. Mostly it's the cities that do, metropolitan areas especially. But, not a lot of towns offer travel luxuries.
Ah right, not wanting to live in a metropolis and wanting to live in the mountains with fewer people, cleaner air, and cleaner water, and also working a trade that requires hauling tools and equipment to job sites are poor lifestyle choices, got it.
we all know american car-centric infrastructure is fuckin evil.
look, you probably know this already, but cars are still the only practical option for most americans; they don't really have a choice. suburbia is subsidized, and so it simply makes financial sense to live in the suburbs, especially if they can't afford to live closer to where they work and shop.
it's great that you care about transportation infrastructure. engage in discussions to inform, of course, but do recognize that it's policy, not people, at fault.