Basically any movie-adaptation of a book. I know I'm in the minority on this, but if I wanted the story of the book, I'd be reading the book, not watching a movie that's often merely based on it. A new spin on an existing tale is the best of both worlds imo.
The Aubrey-Maturin series of novels can be a bit impenetrable, because you kind of have to arrive to the series already able to speak 18th century British technobabble. The movie Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World is kind of a Greatest Hits compilation of the book series, much more accessible to a general audience and just an excellent film.
Agree. Also they cut out enough of the book to make a movie of reasonable length without absolutely butchering the entire point and plot of the book.
Another example of great movie adaptation of a book is How to Train Your Dragon. Takes a complete departure from the book to make something cinematic. You don't have to copy the book verbatim to make a good book-based movie.