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Static site generator for an idiot who doesn't want to learn a new templating language just to have a blog?


I'm interested in setting up a small static-site-generator site. Looked at 11ty recently and feel pretty uncomfortable with the amount of javascript and "funny language" churn just to make some html happen.

Do you know of any alternative that's simpler / easier / less complicated dependencies? Or do you have an approach to 11ty that you think I should try?

Thanks in advance for any input, it's appreciated!


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  • I did try setting up 11ty, despite my misgivings over node.js. Using Markdown went OK, except it wouldn't render explicit <img> tag parameters to allow me to do one-off formatting.

    • What templating languages do you know already, and are you running 11ty v3? There are some gotchas around images because (I think) the eleventy-image plugin is enabled by default.

      I've found success running with .webc which is effectively HTML until you need it to be more.

      • Thank you for the advice! I'll give webc a look before I check out the alternative platforms.

        I don't know or really want to learn anything other than html/css or markdown. The site I'm trying to migrate was raw html/css, and I liked it well enough even though the shortcomings (and argument for template stuff) is very obvious.