Call them antisemitic like they did with the antiwar protests. And they'll have all the centrist press reinforcing it so they'll never need to consider whether there's any deeper issue they should be thinking about.
Ha, that is not how it will go. Without Trump there will be no existential threat to american democracy to leverage and I'll be surprised if the media does not go dark on it. When people, like yourself try to rally you'll find half the support you depend on was only there because it was election time and the rest will be deaf ears because everyone else would like to go back to their normal lives.
Not saying it's a good thing just the only thing keeping the discussion alive is how much it hurts the dems. It's clearly an attack vector that had been amplified and you thinking your moral stance is what props it up is hubris.
I can only speak for myself. If the polls are any accurate indication, my fear of Christian Nationalism overthrowing democracy in the United States may soon be realized. They appear neck and neck, so anything that shits on Kamala, I feel like it needs to fall on Trump's head too. After the election, I can shit on Kamala's genocidal dreams without needing to invoke Trump.
The article is about costing her the election on the genocide issue, which is fucked up because voting her down only puts the other pro-genocide in, plus the Christian Nationalists.