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If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now /90560574/ditch-chrome-for-firefoxs-better-privacy

With the number of people concerned about privacy, it is a wonder why chrome is even popular.


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  • I prefer Vivaldi over Firefox. More features, better customizability.

    But the again I might be the only one...

    • Vivaldi is based on chromium = Google controls it. Same privacy as google chrome ( if you take it super serious )


        Although it's based on Chromium, it's still nowhere near as bad as Chrome when it comes to Privacy. A lot of things that interact with Google itself can be turned off/disabled and it's up to the user on how much data they want to send to Google.

        Hence why I find it the perfect Chrome browser when it comes to privacy, features and customizability.

        • Chrome controlls still chromium. Vivaldi is based on it. I wont belive, that google let everyone loose on chromium for not a (malicious) purpose. You can send me every privacy policy of every browser, for me its still spyware. Its like you want to give me a rotten bread but spread hand sanitizer before on it and tells yeah yeah its freshly out of the oven.