I think the switch to usb-c from a is a huge e-waste disaster in progress, there are legit good uses for a c-c cable, but its not really worth fucking over a third world nation that has to take all the "outdated" fully-functional usb-a tech we throw away. Not to mention the overall cost to the user to replace it all over their lifetime. Personally I only have 1 type-c power brick for the singular device that can do 68w charging. (I only use it if I'm going out, other that that its 5w-9w type-a chargers.) (Not to mention the dongle hell people go through to support type-a on c only laptops!)
Yes that's about right, buying what you need rather than buying overkill will save money, but the reduce implies that you're not buying one or buying used. Idk about web security but as long as the software (incl firmware) is getting updated than people who need that extra security can buy new and therefore the most up to date. I would venture to guess that most people will be covered by the numerous other security precautions that are taken and can afford to run older machines with older firmware and that can keep up with their demands.