I just thought of a funny concept which is that when you're born in the country you're automatically given life insurance. Then when a doctor says "you need this operation" and the health insurance company is like "your doctor is wrong" your life insurance company can come in and be like "you can't kill my guy, because he'd be owed a gigantic payout!" and then go to war with each other.
It would never work in reality, but I find the idea funny.
What would predictably happen is that the health insurance company would still withhold care, and the life insurance company would deny the payout based on the care being withheld. Then they both would be like "sue me".
And eventually they would merge and be just one company.
This is a genuine concern with over regulation of any industry. If they can just say they were following the regulation, which inevitably will lack in some areas, then that is a strong defense for them.