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Use a password manager

It is truly upsetting to see how few people use password managers. I have witnessed people who always use the same password (and even tell me what it is), people who try to login to accounts but constantly can't remember which credentials they used, people who store all of their passwords on a text file on their desktop, people who use a password manager but store the master password on Discord, entire tech sectors in companies locked to LastPass, and so much more. One person even told me they were upset that websites wouldn't tell you password requirements after you create your account, and so they screenshot the requirements every time so they could remember which characters to add to their reused password.

Use a password manager. Whatever solution you think you can come up with is most likely not secure. Computers store a lot of temporary files in places you might not even know how to check, so don't just stick it in a text file. Use a properly made password manager, such as Bitwarden or KeePassXC. They're not going to steal your passwords. Store your master password in a safe place or use a passphrase that you can remember. Even using your browser's password storage is better than nothing. Don't reuse passwords, use long randomly generated ones.

It's free, it's convenient, it takes a few minutes to set up, and its a massive boost in security. No needing to remember passwords. No needing to come up with new passwords. No manually typing passwords. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but if even one of you decides to use a password manager after this then it's an easy win.

Please, don't wait. If you aren't using a password manager right now, take a few minutes. You'll thank yourself later.


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  • Hmm. Maybe I’m misunderstanding something fundamental about cyber security, but wouldn’t a server leak give you login credentials regardless of the uniqueness or amount of use a password has? And 2FA would still protect against that?

    I might have thrown my hat into a ring I have no place in lmao

    • Unless the website is handled by complete morons it stores credentials in an hashed format. Usually to crack this we'd use rainbow tables or wordlists of known passwords, and essentially we use every word to generate the hash until it matches.

      If your password is strong and hasn't been compromised (check regularly on haveibeenpwned) it will likely not be in any wordlists and it also won't be easy to crack. Now, password managers can generate the best passwords because they're completely random and very long by default so to crack them you'd have to try every possible character combination, this takes time, and specifically a time so long that statistically the andromeda galaxy and milky way will merge into one before the password is cracked (at least until quantum computers become a thing, then it's mere minutes).

      2FA helps because even if they crack the password they then need the 2FA code, which you can't really guess or brute force and is seen on a third party app you don't control (unless you use sms, they can spoof SIMs ro view the sms you receive and therefore degeat 2FA). It also doubles as something that alerts you that someone is trying to access your account.