Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone?
Is this how most people type on mobile these days, drawing lines all over a keyboard instead of tapping the individual keys? I've never had an iPhone so I don't even know if they can do this natively, but I know you can switch keyboards at least, so it should still be an option if not.
I did use it but over the past months the input recognition got worse and worse so I switched to something completely different: thumbKey
Funny thing that I discovered it around the same time I switched to lemmy as it is developed by the same guy...
It's really unbelievable how bad swiftkey is, especially after seeing what language models can do nowadays. The number of times it has entered a totally absurd and exotic word in the wrong language in the middle of a very common phrase like 'see you later', is just ridiculous.
I'm testing thumb key right now. There's definitely a learning curve, but i'll see how fast I can get. Thanks for the tip!