Great post as usual. Laughed out loud at the Dwemer comment.
This comment should be higher lol
High Life
The scout gets like 7 cents a box per sale. Fucking ridiculous.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes "full metal alchemist... full metal alchemist"
I think I'm going with...
- DS1 Zweihander (in later games this is Greatsword)
- the best UGS moveset
- Washing Pole (Nagakiba in ER)
- let's be honest it's because of FF7, but it's dope af
- Moonlight Greatsword (all iterations, Bloodborne is probably the best one though)
- ah you were here at my side all along
- Chikage (moveset is unique to Bloodborne)
- the draw slash tranform move made this really unique and fun
- Demon Scar (ds3)
- a unique weapon in this game, like wielding a sword made of Pyromancy
I'm getting shapeshifted green dragon vibes. Love the style.
What an absolutely absurd knife. Great review!
Trump is directly responsible for the poor and delayed response to COVID and furthering the validity of fringe anti mask claims, making him also directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.
Not sure I agree with the premise that people voted for Trump because he talked about solutions, but this does illustrate the complete disillusionment I experienced (and likely others) when realizing that in order to vote against the insane felon, I voted for the establishment who would change nothing.
If you played witcher 3 and didn't think ciri would be the protagonist of 4 you are very dumb.
I'm the same but opposite, lots of breeders in the family to pass on the depression.
This is the point, these crazy fucks sprinkle in some truth so the rest of the bullshit looks more real.
Gives them some defense against criticism too.
That doesn't sound very productive, a return to office would increase engagement.
If you do what you love, you die doing what you love.
Complete the trajectory I guess. Ironically may improve Ubi games since at least Tencent is experienced in this area.
Is it fair to latch the world onto people thinking like this? To chain them to suffering for years and years because any random person they interact with might be sad later?
It sucks that you feel pain from losing a friend, but does that pain outweigh the pain they were trying to escape from?
Establishment Dems aren't going to save anyone. It's not good enough be just "not trump".
I recently completed my second Gunpla... still very new. I was messing with one of the arms and the arm sort of came apart at the shoulder, and seems loose.
My other gunpla, a Char Zaku... I think it's a lower grade kit, it was only $18... also has a loose hand on it.
How do you deal with loose parts like this? I was thinking about gluing but don't want to mess up my mecha.