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Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky'
  • i don't know enough about cocaine and want to learn.

    setting aside the axe he has to grind and in the specific context of his comments about fentanyl and whisky, how accurate or inaccurate are his statements? what makes them so?

  • Taboo
  • Dont know why this reflex to downplay his atrocities is always there.

    i don't think that's the thrust of the OP? they aren't saying, "hey, c'mon mate, hitler wasn't all that bad!"

    they're saying a lot of men did evil deeds, but only one of them is called out for it and their conjecture for why the others escaped scorn and scrutiny is because the skins of their victims had additional levels of pigmentation.

    personally, as an indian, more of my countryfolk were killed by churchill than by hitler, but i still don't see the austrian psycopath as a good person; i still don't see him as better than churchill. all it means is that i have enough hatred in my heart for them both. and for the others of their kind.

    yes, hitler may be the worst of them all by orders of magnitude, but that doesn't mean the others are saints -- and that's the narrative which shouldn't be lost.

  • Daily Discussion - 28 December 2024
  • inquiry: i'm just catching up with the boxing day matches highlights, and there's a heavy smoky cloud visible in multiple grounds.

    what is it? just condensate? a fog? mist? or were those matches played in new delhi?

  • Not enough people buying Premium, eh?
  • wow, premium in the usa is expensive. it's a little under $3 per month here in india for the family plan and even that's after a recent 16% hike. the individual plan is even cheaper.

    i guess these rates are in store for us as well in the future?

  • Lists like "Year in review", "Best of the year", etc. should be compiled AFTER the new year has started
  • why, though? the choice of the year ending on the 31st of december is wholly made by man--nothing in nature dictates that choice.

    if anything, the original calendar had february mopping up after all the other months (which is why the fewer days as well as the tacking on of the leap day there). we've already advanced the end of the year by an arbitrary amount of two months. what's one more week?

    unless, of course, you're saying that the year in review does not take into account the last week of 2023. in which case, yes, you're right.

  • Also if you're unable too because of Disability
  • i hear what you're saying but that doesn't seem to be the (ahem) case.

    if that were so, one would have chosen "she/ her" or "they/ them" -- pairing each nominative with its accusative partner and still fitting well within this perceived word limit. one wouldn't use two separate nominative case words in its place.

    there has to be something deeper in this choice. not that it should be treated as sinister or anything; this choice should be just as deeply respected. i'm just curious as to the reasons behind it.

  • Fuck off out of it.
  • the only people who want to put in longer hours at the office have absolutely nothing to go home to.

    they should be pitied instead of being vilified. drop them a "get well soon" message in social media should you encounter them.

  • Flat Earther admits he was wrong after traveling 9,000 miles to Antarctica to test his belief
  • this person should be celebrated, not ridiculed. we all could stand to learn from him no matter how divergent our views on life are.

    he sought evidence willingly and did not dismiss it out of hand when it didn't support his hypothesis. in fact, he has gone further and rejected that hypothesis.

    his starting point may have been misinformed but he has had the courage to use the scientific method to recalibrate. i salute him.

  • Puzzle: White to mate in two. Black and White - Futility Closet

    Thomas Taverner published this remarkable problem in the Dubuque Chess Journal in 1889. White is to mate in two moves.

    Black and White - Futility Closet
    Two Mate-in-two puzzles with mirrored positions "Through the Looking-Glass" - Futility Closet

    C.S. Kipping published this unusual problem in Chess Amateur in 1923. In each position, White is to mate in two moves.

    "Through the Looking-Glass" - Futility Closet
    adguard vpn selling user data to third-parties?

    my apologies for the long screenshot. i had purchased adguard's vpn service for five years since its primary adguard service is well know in the iapple ecosystem.

    on android, though, their app appears to send data to a lot of third-parties. has it always been this compromised? am i a fool to go for their vpn services as well?

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