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Authentic Texas recipe
  • where are the fritos???

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • worst bank ive ever had the displeasure of using, they'd take a $12 "service fee" out of my account that I was using for savings for not having direct deposit set up for it, while I was struggling financially. way to kick someone while they're down.

  • Woman says God talked to her via solar eclipse and asked her to shoot at drivers
  • murica!!! everyone's gotta have their guns!!!

  • TrueNAS shares help.
  • that is kinda what I'm trying to do. truenas is nice and all but its also pretty advanced and not beginner friendly when it comes to a lot of things. I've heard a lot about casaos from a youtuber that I like to watch, but I never realized that it was more of a nas os than just a platform to run applications. I'll give it a shot! thanks for the recommendation.

  • TrueNAS shares help.
  • this seems to have worked, but whenever I go in in filebrowser everything is read only. any way to change this?

  • TrueNAS shares help.

    I'm pretty new to self hosting, so apoligies in advance if what i wanna do sounds stupid. I've had an old lenovo desktop set up with truenas for about a month now, and I was wondering if it was possible to have an smb share and a filebrowser instance use the same directory. I tried to set it up like this when deploying filebrowser but when I set the directory to the smb share, truenas gave me an error saying that the path is being used as an smb share. the reason why I wanna do this is for simple access in my desktops file explorer, while also being able to access the same files from my phone, or over the internet. thanks in advance for taking time out of your day to give me a hand.

    best app for lemmy?
  • haven't seen any comments mentioning connect yet, so that would be my recommendation. by far the most fully featured and smooth lemmy app imo and its my favorite. I've used most other apps but I always come back to connect because of all the different ways I can customize it and all the settings I can change that I simply don't see in a lot of other apps.

  • k0mprssd k0mprssd
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