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Chin up, small Kings!
  • What a shot! To capture a bullet in a photo? Damn that’s lucky

  • [LastPlaceComics] Battlebots
  • I need Tombstone back

  • Eminem serving food to customers at his Mom's Spaghetti restaurant, 2021 in Detroit, Michigan
  • I laughed out loud at “Cold product”, even with cold drinks they’re referencing “Lose yourself” lol

  • Stop use docker
  • From what I heard, podman doesn’t require root but that’s about it. On the other side, it’s a redhat thing and it’s not as popular which means less documented and less containers

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • All gaming YouTubers, except for Byze. I can’t stand screaming every 5 seconds for no reason anymore. I’m getting old

  • Team Fortress 2 players report that Valve have carried out a ban-wave against aimbots
  • MvM is still pretty chill, unless someone leaves after one lost wave

  • Looking for a music server
  • Actually... you're f right. Why do I create problems for myself, just add everything to one pot and let users fav/star the ones they want and use the "Favourites" folders. Thanks

  • Looking for a music server
  • The issue I have is that all users see the same music (all of it). I would like to be able to “disable/enable” songs/albums per user

  • Looking for a music server
  • It doesn’t afaik :/

  • Looking for a music server

    Hi! I’m currently using navidrome, but eventually I will probably need support for multiple users (each user has access to different music or the same music) which isn’t supported in navidrome right now. I don’t really want to run two containers of the same thing if I can avoid it. Thanks

    Moar Borderlands
  • I hate you

  • What is your favourite shell to use
  • Pure theme ftw

  • Twinkle toes
  • I was so excited to see Toph again when watching this first time

  • Lemmy comrades/people/lemmings who have learned a new language using online resources, what/how was it like?
  • True, it’s a shame it’s so easy to lose the episode you enjoyed before tho :/

  • Lemmy comrades/people/lemmings who have learned a new language using online resources, what/how was it like?
  • Jokes aside, kids shows are good as they have basic language in them

  • Lemmy comrades/people/lemmings who have learned a new language using online resources, what/how was it like?
  • If you want to learn a language, surround yourself with it. Watch shows, play games, read articles, change language of your phone. If you don’t understand something, translate it. Use it. Apps are just empty practice if you don’t apply it

  • [OC] A Cultured Pigeon, Warsaw
  • He’s seen some shit

  • File picker issues
  • The thing is, it only breaks sometimes (usually when I need it the most lol). Both are installed and I don’t think it would only not work sometimes if they were missing. I’m thinking of hopping to another distro haha I know it’s not arch’s fault, but this excuse is as good as any lmao

  • File picker issues
  • The browser is on flatpak but I tried the same thing on steam which isn’t and it still doesn’t work

  • File picker issues

    Hi, I’m having issues with the file picker on my arch system. Sometimes it doesn’t work at all. If I press “Upload file” in a browser, nothing happens, no window pops up. It doesn’t work in other apps either when that happens. It sometimes starts working after a restart. Does anyone have any ideas? Let me know if you need any logs and how to get them please :)

    I’m on arch, hyprland, both xdg-hyprland and xdg-gtk are installed.

    Why does everyone hate Microsoft for adding LLMs into Windows and spying on users, but not Apple?
  • I saw a comment somewhere that said: “people have been burnt by Microsoft too many times, while Apple still has a benefit of the doubt for many people in regards to privacy”. People still have some trust in Apple, compared to MS.

    Edit: Found the comment by

    If Apple announced Recall? Apple wouldn’t announce Recall, that’s the whole point. Apple wouldn’t be so brazen and stupid to push a tool that is so obviously invasive and so poorly implemented. Apple earned its trust by not making those mistakes.

    But if they did decide to say fuck it and implement something like Recall, of course people would trust them. That’s what trust means: consumers take them at their word. But if it’s as bad as Microsoft’s Recall, Apple would burn all that trust when people found out.

    People don’t believe Microsoft because they have long since burned any trust and good will for most of their consumers. They have proven time and time again they don’t give a shit about users’ wants or needs, and users have felt that. So when they announce Recall, they have no earned trust. No believes them. There’s no good faith to cushion this. And it turns out everyone was right not to grant them that trust.

  • Do we have someone on our side in the committee? O.o (StopKillingGames UK petition)

    Heroes 3 appreciation post

    The Heroes of Might and Magic III, 25 years old and still awesome. I honestly think it’s the most replayable game ever (at least for me). Plenty of maps out of the box. Most of them can be played with a different town each time. If you’re done with that, you can change the difficulty. If you’re done with that, you can change the hero. If you’re done with that, there are community maps. If you’re done with that, there are community mods, which also have other maps. It goes on and on. And it’s so easy to just chill as it’s turn based, so no need to pay attention much, unless you really want to. I like playing games while I watch YT, and H3 is perfect for that. I love it haha

    It’s probably not for everyone, but everyone has to try it at least once (the GoG version tho, forget any other ones exist).

    Learning about the political world


    I know I know, we don’t like politics here much but I’ve been wondering if there are any good resources to learn about it. I think it’s important for being part of the society, no?

    I saw Ground News, and though it seems interesting, I don’t know what right leaning left leaning centre means and what to watch out for.

    I don’t want to be an expert, but I’d appreciate to know the basics so I know what’s going on around me. Can I learn about it in general or is it per country thing I don’t know.

    Thanks :)

    It's finally up! Please sign it if you're in the UK :) Petition: Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state. Petition: Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state

    Require publishers to leave videogames (and related game assets / features) they have sold to customers in a reasonably working state when support ends, so that no further intervention whatsoever is necessary for the game to function, as a statutory consumer right.

    Petition: Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state
    Ideas to deal with loud neighbours

    Hi lemmys! My next door neighbour is driving me crazy. They started at 10:30AM and you can hear them through closed doors and windows, and two brick walls. They have enough brain cells to understand “turn it down”. Any ideas to deal/screw with them?

    Ideas like frozen pee through letterbox are also appreciated :) Edit: I meant this as a joke. I’m not going to do that

    Thinking of switching to NixOS, but I'm not sure about a few things

    Hi, everybody!

    I've been toying with the idea of switching to NixOS for some time. I'm currently on arch (6 months), and while I like the idea of a minimal, only-what-I-want-installed, hackable system with the newest packages, I think having a system that always works, even if an update goes south, is more important to me.

    Now, I'm still not sure if I should switch. There are some issues I'm worried about, maybe unnecessarily.

    For one, what are the trade-offs of switching from Arch? Anything I have to watch out for? I've heard there are some issues with regard to the FSH and gaming, or just FSH in general, or just gaming in general. Secondly, the dotfiles. I hear there is the Home Manager for that, but it doesn't have support for everything, so some files would need to be managed in other ways. Is there a way to manage everything at the same time? Even better if everything is in configuration.nix. I thought of using and .text to link the dotlifes to the etc folder and change the contents, but it feels… cheap and unsafe to do that. Third, are flakes really that important? I hear about them everywhere, I haven't researched them yet, but I'm curious what the fuss is about.

    Let me know if there is anything else I should consider. I mainly game, watch videos and sometimes play with the system if needed. I'm not sure if I really want to switch, or is it just "oooo, new shiny and cool" thing lol

    Thanks :)

    Looking for indoor security camera recommendation

    Hi lemmys.

    My friend is looking for an indoor security camera. He's only going to use it while he's away, which doesn't happen too often. Otherwise, the camera will be in a box.

    Are there any good cameras, which also have an iOS app? Can't be self-hosted as he's not that technically savvy and overseas so I can't do it myself lol

    Thanks :)

    iOS Jellyfin solution

    Hey! Since Jellyfin and Swiftfin weren’t updated for about a year now, and there are some bugs that bother me, I’m wondering what you guys use instead of them :)

    Looking for a music solution

    Hi peoples!

    I’m on Apple Music but I want to expand my setup with music hosting but I have no idea how to approach it. Right now I have nothing and know nothing haha. So if you had a guide or would like to share your setup that would be awesome :)

    Everything from a player, through downloader, to organiser and whatever else is needed. I heard that lidarr works in Albums, which I usually don’t use. I’m a “I hear a song, I like it, I save it, forget the author or album” kind of person 😅

    Or maybe it’s not worth it at all I don’t know haha

    Thanks :)

    Privacy focused email recommendation

    Hi everyone! Since I was absolutely fucked by Skiff (thank fuck I didn’t pay for it) I’m looking for a new email provider :) I’m not sure I like how proton is transforming into a full on suit, I only need email. Any other recommendations or is proton my only choice really?

    Looking for a storage solution

    Hi! I have a NUC with 250GB SSD inside. It’s running everything from pihole through arr apps to 3d printing frontend. Since my family is starting to think “hey that’s a good idea can I use it too”, 250GB is starting to be not enough.

    Do you have any recommendations? A NAS? A DAS? Something else?

    For now, I’m downloading and deleting shows/movies cos I don’t have space obviously, but eventually I’d like to keep some that are cool. Or backup photos to it and stuff.

    Thanks :)

    Joplin alternative needed

    Hi guys! I think I'm over Joplin. Don't get me wrong, it's simple, it works, but… why is it Postgres db…. I have the server on a small box with like 250 GB of space and backing it up with kopia to Backblaze with free 10 GB, so I'm a bit storage cautious.

    With each snapshot, it seems like a good chunk of the database changes, even when I don't use Joplin that day. That results in kopia backing up those changed files, and backups keep growing. Right now the Joplin database is like 200Mb, BUT when I export the notes from the app… all of them weigh 2Mb… including images. Yes there is versioning of notes, but they shouldn't be that big after one-two months lol.

    I know I know, I'm being a bit weird about it, but I'm getting daily notifications about backups and I see how they grow each day.

    Anyway, do you have any alternatives that have an app on iOS and on Linux? Or should I just use Apple Notes in the browser? Thanks

    EDIT: The answer was easier than I thought. Just don’t back it up, it’s synced which means each device has a copy of it anyway so there is not really need for it, thanks !

    Linux, networking and security books recommendations

    Hi! I’m looking for some book recommendations on Linux, networking and security. I’d rather they were 3 separate books, instead of an All-in-one. I know I can learn about this on the internet, but this is kind of my way of reading books. Some like thrillers, I like learning about tech what can I say haha It’s not for school or work, just something to expand my knowledge. Ideally, security and networking would start at fundamentals, and go beyond. In terms of Linux, I’m finishing “how Linux works” by Brian Ward, so something above that would we great! Thank you :)

    Problem with the dishwasher

    Hi, I have an Indesit 15b1 and it won’t run a cycle. When I turn it on, I get a error code, 3 green solid, amber start light and red flashing salt light. Nothing about it in the manual, Indesit said the same thing.

    It sometimes starts working after I tilt it for a bit.

    It’s not the anti flood device, the bottom is dry. I took the drain pump out, it’s clean, so is the drain hose and inlet hose.

    When I turn it on, it drains the water, then I THINK it tries running the wash pump, and then tries draining again, and the pump again, and the error code.

    Is there anything I can do before I take the wash pump out? I kinda don’t wanna do it cos it has those one time pinch clamps and I’d need to buy them and all

    Thanks :)

    GTA 5 Drifitng update is awesome

    I jumped on for 5 mins to try it and… spent an hour just doing circles at the airport haha it’s so much fun

    What the actual f*** is this Rockstar?

    Edit: sometimes there two pictures that are the same but the colour of the wall change. And you have to compare that to a black and white top down where you can’t see walls lmao

    jaykay Footnote2669
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