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  • 56844662-b86d-4064-be46-f5b51f6864eb

  • It's all in the past now
  • Ah yes, you're using base 10. I get it.

  • Easy choice
  • what if your code was so shity that it caused the compiler to segfault?

  • What does your booger feel like rn?
  • currently 6

    Update: it's 5 now. Progress!

  • Giggity
  • Didn't know that David Coulthard has a sister

  • It's impossible that they could hurt me
  • if not fren then why fren shaped?

  • Big Kone lies
  • No. No, we can't.

  • AI can take one writer's job, as a treat
  • I mean "Wongstein" does sound cool

  • Israel white phosphorous attacks on Lebanon harming people and ecosystem
  • It's not a war crime if it's done by Israel apparently

  • wayland was a mistake
  • How is "Unix philosophy" even remotely connected to the philosophy behind free software? Unix itself was proprietary. These are completely separate things.

    "Stay on windows or mac"

    And what if I don't? I have the freedom to use Linux however I want, and with whatever display server I want, granted to me by GPLv2.

    "What you're doing is defending corporate funded software"

    Do you even realize just how much funding and support Linux kernel itself receives from various multi-billion corporations? If that's a bad thing in your book, I suggest you look into BSD, but even that gets a bit of funding from them.

    "designed with malicious intent"

    You have yet to provide an proof for that. What's their malicious intent exactly? Just creating an FLOSS modern alternative that people are free to use or avoid?

  • wayland was a mistake
  • How exactly is this a meme? This is just bitching about stuff. And no Wayland isn't a mistake. Maybe it is to you luddites who can't move on from your Unix religion, but for the majority, Wayland brings tons of new features and improvements over X11. I mean X11 still has it's uses, but it doesn't mean Wayland just shouldn't exist. Still if you wanna bitch about it go on. You are free to do so like distros are free to move away from X11. But at least don't do it in a meme community.

  • First Look at Season 12 of Futurama
  • You don't like it? Just don't watch it. Let the people who enjoy it enjoy.

  • Turtle Shells
  • Yes, I know. I am talking after seeing Wiktionary

  • Enable/Disable KWin Scripts depending on current activity?

    So, I like working with tiled WMs sometimes though not always. And Polonium is working great for that in Plasma 6. But as I said, I don't want it enabled 24/7. And rather than open settings and toggling it on and off every time, it'd be wonderful if I could harness the power of KDE activities and automatically toggle it on in a particular activity and off on any other. Is it possible?

    real subtitle rule

    anime is Hanada Shōnen Shi btw

    TxzK TxzK

    Nothing interesting to put here

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