answering captchas as badly as possible while still not being determined to be a robot is actually pretty fun 4 0
Are you the reason why I cannot complete a captcha sometimes?
USB gets simpler with new speed-focused labeling system replacing technical jargon 11 0
This isn't a new standard. It's changing the naming conventions to make sense.
Abhuman monch 2 0
I think it's cloth the upper body and lower body pieces are in two parts. Space cloth armour or just hides the armour underneath I don't know though.
Anthropology rule 2 0
From seeing them in the news. The main genders seem to be forest fire and polluted river.
Japan 'poop master' gives back to nature 8 0
Well. Tasting the soil where he poops is probably about as safe as eating dirt usually is, if others are pooping/tasting in the area. Thats another story.
Also don't eat dirt people. Botulism lives in there
Rule-level vision test 4 0
What if the circle is bright red?
Edit: oh I see the circle now.
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